The State Line

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find model policies and research relevant to my state?

You can find all the relevant information in the Policy Library by selecting an issue area and your state.

Is there any criteria for the model policies that are in the library?

Every policy included in our library meets three criteria:

  1. It must be broadly popular, which means that the policies have support among everyday people across political affiliations and geographies.
  2. Good policy is an investment in our future. Each policy is designed to pay for itself — or save your state money — in fifteen years or less.
  3. There is evidence that the policy is actually improving a critical need in people’s lives that it claims to address.
Where does the state-by-state data come from?

The data tracked across each state is designed to benchmark each state’s performance across specific indicators for each of the seven goal areas and 21 measurable targets. The data is updated regularly with the support of leading academics and subject area experts.

Who are the experts?

Our experts have deep expertise across various levels of government and academia, and include a wide range of national policy thought leaders. 

What support do you have for lawmaker staff?

Our support and research is available for staff working for lawmakers committed to improving lives. Give us a call or reach out via email to learn more.

I have more questions!

If you are a state lawmaker or a staffer committed to improving lives give us a call at our State Line, 1-833-STATES-1, or email us at