Expand Apprenticeships to Grow Good Jobs

Sometimes the hardest part of getting a better job is becoming qualified for it, especially when time without a paycheck is simply not affordable and the qualification includes an occupational license. Allowing apprenticeships to help meet occupational licensing requirements means that people can get the skills and credentials they need while still earning a paycheck.

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Frequently Asked Questions
Who does this help?
This helps millions of people looking for better jobs in fields that require occupational licenses.
Is this high-cost to the state?
No. The actual apprenticeships are provided by employers, meaning no additional costs to the state. With greater employment opportunities, job seekers will move into the state, expanding the economy and improving the workforce.
Does this place a burden on businesses?
No. Allowing apprenticeships to fulfill licensing requirements would not place any additional obligations or burdens on employers. Employers will continue to hire and train the best available employees, and there will still be multiple paths to getting needed licenses.
  • Employment advocates
  • Consumer advocates
  • Businesses
  • Job-seekers in fields that require licenses
  • Industries that benefit from reduced competition in licensing
Model Policy
This act shall be known as the Grow Jobs through Apprenticeships Act
To authorize the use of state regulated apprenticeships to fulfill licensure requirements necessary to perform certain occupations.

(a) The DEPARTMENT or agency responsible for the administration of STATE occupational licenses is hereby authorized to recognize qualified apprenticeships as an alternative means of obtaining occupational licenses.

(b) DEPARTMENT shall establish the criteria necessary for granting licenses under this expanded apprenticeship program.

(c) The criteria established shall include, but is not limited to:

(i) Completion of an apprenticeship program that:

(1) Is approved by the STATE Department of Labor or the United States Department of Labor, or in accordance with any applicable state or federal law; and

(2) Is completed either at a school that is licensed by STATE or by training with a person or employee or employer of a business licensed by STATE who holds the license for which the applicant applies; and

(ii) Successful completion of any examination that is required of all professionals of that trade in the state.

(1) The passing score on an examination must not discriminate between an applicant from an apprenticeship and an applicant from a vocational or trade school.

(2) If the rules adopted by the applicable licensing board do not otherwise require successful completion of an examination, then an examination may not be required for participation in the expanded apprenticeship program.

(d) The DEPARTMENT shall promulgate rules necessary to implement the expanded apprenticeship program, including limitations on the maximum and minimum number of hours required by each authorized apprenticeship.

(e) The DEPARTMENT has the right to exempt classes of occupations from the expanded apprenticeship program.