2022: By the Numbers

History. Made. Governing power is built in the toughest races. Arizona: Ground Held! Maine: Majorities Defended! Michigan: A New Trifecta! Minnesota: A New Trifecta! Nebraska: Supermajority Prevented! Nevada: Majorities Defended! New Hampshire: Ground Gained! Pennsylvania: New Governing Power! 1 The same party in power in both state chambers and the Governor’s mansion. […]

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What midterm victories mean for Moore v. Harper’s attack on democracy

The Supreme Court will decide Moore v. Harper, a case that could destroy American democracy, in a matter of months. It’s a case that started in North Carolina, where rightwing state lawmakers are arguing that they have complete, unchecked control over federal elections. They’re basing their argument on the Independent State Legislature Doctrine — or […]

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